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Níže naleznete základní use cases, kde Kaila už dnes pomáhá zaměstnancům

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kolega který vždy poradí
All traditional tools that use GPT as knowledge assistants use a vector database to store domain-specific information. However, it does not have enough context and therefore the bot's answers are often inaccurate.

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Seamless Data Ingestion - Our platform features an automated data ingestion pipeline that does not require any manual data source connections or data unification. We support any type of document. This enables us to build adaptive language models without requiring clients to undertake cumbersome data preprocessing and cleaning.
kolega který vždy poradí
All traditional tools that use GPT as knowledge assistants use a vector database to store domain-specific information. However, it does not have enough context and therefore the bot's answers are often inaccurate.